Reach Your Customers: Inbound Marketing Statistics [Infographic]

Inbound Marketing, Website, Strategy

Today is the age of the self-educated buyer. Traditional lead generation strategies no longer cut it. Blossoming from this new era is a marketing strategy about being found by the buyer. Once they’ve found you, developing a relationship with them through various channels is the next step to keeping them engaged. Inbound marketers are the powerhouses of this process, nurturing leads well before they are passed onto sales. 

What is Inbound?

Out with the old and in with the new. Inbound is the new age form of marketing, focused on creating content to attract potential customers and bringing them into your company in a way that comes naturally because your content has value to them. By enticing traffic through aligned interests, you can convert, close, and delight them over time. 

With outbound marketing, you had to attempt to “work up” new and fresh leads through cold calling, trade shows, print ads, and more. It was time-consuming, expensive, and demanding. Working up cold leads took resilience and patience. With inbound marketing, however, the process is streamlined. You can generate a greater return on investment and can pack your sales funnel full of promising leads.

If you're not yet convinced, here’s an infographic we put together to show exactly how inbound creates marketing success.  


Lead Generation

A lead is a person who has indicated interest in your company. Generating a lead is a way to warm up potential customers to your business and getting them on the path to buying, which helps your company's bottom line. 

The Buyers

Customers are looking for you. You're trying to find customers. It's a perfect match!


Content is the foundation of your lead generation efforts. By creating content specifically designed to appeal to your dream customer, you'll attract qualified prospects to your business and keep them coming back for more. 

Need More Proof?

Adopting an inbound marketing strategy could help you spend less and generate more leads, effectively getting the most bang for your advertising buck. Inbound allows your customer to educate themselves and make informed purchases, empowering them instead of pushing them away through aggressive sales tactics. Inbound lets you reach the very people who are most interested in what your company has to offer.  If you don't believe us, just look at the marketing statistics!

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