3 Ways To Make Your Life Easier With HubSpot Marketing Hub

Inbound Marketing, Sales Enablement, Technology
Image of a marketer using HubSpot's Marketing Hub

Get a nagging sense of dread anytime you think about all the marketing emails you need to send, landing pages you have yet to create, and campaign stats you should be analyzing? You’re not alone — most marketers feel overwhelmed and overworked these days.

But what if using your marketing platforms was actually, dare I say, enjoyable? Enter: HubSpot Marketing Hub. This all-in-one marketing solution doesn’t just consolidate your tools; it makes key tasks like landing page design, email campaigns, and reporting easier than ever.

Read on for three ways HubSpot Marketing Hub can simplify your workload.

1. Create landing pages that practically design themselves

mockup of a landing page created in hubspot on a laptop

Let's be honest — even if you're using one of the best website builders, designing high-converting landing pages can be tedious. Cue HubSpot's gallery of professionally designed templates that make you look like a graphic design pro. 

Select a layout you like, plug in your branding and content, and voila, you have a beautiful landing page ready to convert visitors into leads — no coding or CSS skills required. 

And here's where things get really fancy: HubSpot's Pages tool lets you create multiple variations of landing pages using their templates and versions tool. That means you can run A/B tests without developer resources to determine which page layout and copy delivers the most conversions. And using built-in analytics, you can optimize pages for higher conversion rates to scale your business faster. Cha-ching!

2. Automate your email workflows to save time

mockup of an email created in hubspot and scheduled for automated send

Getting your carefully crafted emails to the right inboxes at just the right time used to require serious tech chops. Creating groups and segments and setting up sequences and drips was enough to make most marketers break out in hives.

Thanks to Marketing Hub’s drag-and-drop email workflow builder, you can visually map out automated email campaigns tailored to different subscribers based on their engagement, lifecycle stage, and other behaviors. Once you have the perfect email for conversion, you can use HubSpot to:

  • Segment your audience
  • Set up sequences like post-purchase nurture streams
  • Deploy dynamic content and calls-to-action that speak to individual reader personas
  • And more!

    The result? Higher deliverability, open, and clickthrough rates which translate to explosive business growth. (Plus, as leads and customers rave about your well-timed, relevant communications, you look like an email marketing wizard.)

3. Make ad tracking and social media management a cinch

HubSpot Marketing Hub's social media management capability

Tired of hopping between platforms to check your campaign stats? With HubSpot’s centralized reporting dashboards, you get a bird’s eye view of all your marketing efforts in one place. No more spreadsheet gymnastics!

HubSpot syncs with leading social media platforms to import hard-to-capture engagement data into its analytics engine. So when you pay to promote a blog post on Facebook or LinkedIn, you’ll see those views, clicks, shares, reactions, and more measured against your website traffic. 

You can also connect Google Analytics and native or third-party ad platforms like Google Ads to measure ROI across all marketing channels. Configure reports with key performance metrics for different audiences to optimize each initiative and demonstrate marketing impact at your next board meeting.

Test-drive HubSpot for 30 days — free

Here at Vye, we’re always happy to share our tips and tricks for making the most out of your marketing software (that includes HubSpot Marketing Hub training). Keep poking around our blog for more helpful Hubspot tips and industry insights.

Want to try HubSpot's Marketing Hub for free? We've got you covered. And we're here to help you test it out and see if it's the right fit for your company. Click the link below to get a complimentary trial for 30 days and discover how to:

  • Get more traffic with SEO, social media, and blogging tools
  • Get more leads with landing pages, calls-to-action, and form-building tools
  • Get more customers with email, marketing automation, and lead intelligence tools

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